Essential Tips for creating a Profitable Website in 2021 for Beginners

Starting a website may be a great challenge for beginners, especially when choosing what to offer or choosing the platforms to frame or designing your website

In this article, we will cover the following

  1. The need to have a website
  2. The platform to choose for creating your first website

1 The need to have a website

Having a website is not only for making your business professional but also it is the best way to as the market place where your customers will easily find you, drive new customers organically and hence increase more sales

Not only for Business or an online e-commerce website can be also your portfolios, direct peoples to view your works and hires you

We also have a company website, schools, college websites or organizations, or even blogs, thus a website is used as a great tool for online presence

Here we have summarized few tips you will need to have a good website for you

Before creating a website

  • Define your Goals
  • Choose Your niche
  • Do some research

After creating your website

  • Best user interphase
  • Optimize for speed
  • Rank high on searching engine
  • Drive Traffics
  • others

Before creating a website

Define your goals



Here you will list what are you interested in, what type of website you want to create, targeted audience or market

Choosing something that is your hobby will make everything easier for you,

Stick on what you want, what do you want to deliver to the people, and what to archive is very first important factors you should consider

Choose your niche

Being specific is very important in choosing what to do, as they define a niche as a “Specialized segment of a market for a particular product”

Stick on a particular niche will help you to be recognized faster by your clients or even on search engines

Thus you have to choose your niche and stick to it, For example, you may have an idea on starting a website for products reviews

But that niche is very wide rather than reviewing all the products and not being specific you may find it more difficult to handle and you may become unrecognizable,

Instead, you may stick to reviewing only digital cameras, only drones, or mobile phones, being more specific to something will make you more recognizable


Do some researches

Researching is very important on start up your business, as it will help you what type of niche you should stick on.

Do some researches from other people’s experiences and learn to do them better

Note, you may not succeed if you will not try

Stick on basic things you’ll need to start up on your business, Including the audience and marketing, On website niches sticks on what people search mostly, saturated niches will make it more difficult to succeed thus your ideas may now come up as first once searched

On creating a website

n Laptop, design website n

Previously this was somehow difficult to create, but thanks to technologies made it easier

Thus nowadays it is just dragging and drops with no codes and faster you will create your website with little or no supervision from the expert


2 The platform to choose for creating your website

What do you need now?

To create your website, you will need two important things

That is Domain Name and Hosting

domain name is your address, your site identity, such as,,

Thus you need to register it on domain registrants

We recommend Namecheap, for domain registrations as it powers tons of domains and its renewal fees are less costly than others


This is where your website files will be stored, and retrieved when requested by users,

Choosing good web hosting is now a great challenge as there are many web hosting with cheap and fairly welcoming prices, but remember you will get what you pay for.

We recommend choosing a web hosting with SSD storage servers and close to your targeted audiences you will choose as this will makes your website lads faster

Also, good customer services that you will look at when things go wrong with your servers

According to Google, more than 70% of visitors to your website will leave to click other options when your website will load more than 3 seconds

Thus you need to the website page that will have a loading time of fewer than 3 seconds


For beginners we recommend Fastcomet, these are having good customer services and their reviews are good and a2 web hosting, for a fast website, and fairly prices,

But if you are extending your budget we recommend Siteground web hosting as they have good customer services as well as fast web hosting too

After choosing your domain name and web hosting you will need to install WordPress on your hosting,

WordPress as (CMS), Content Management System, Square space, Weebly, Wix, Joomla, and many others made it possible to create your website easier

In this article, we will base on WordPress, as a content management system for creating your first website

WordPress now powers millions of websites nearly 35% of all websites

It is a free platform where anyone can manage his or her website there, you may customize any way you want on your website with WordPress however a side effect is all your activities you will manage on yourself including security and others which can be a little bit difficult, and tons of plugins to run your website


By using the WordPress that you will install on your hosting you will need to install the theme and some plugins to create your website

Best user experience

Visitors will pay more attention to a well-designed website, remember to choose wisely your website colors, typography, and breathing space between some segments

Organize your website, as visitors will pay more attention to a good website with the best user interface

Make clearly your navigation, readable text, and spacing this will make visitors stay on

Optimize your website for faster loading

After creating your website is very important to optimize it for faster page loading, as WordPress will use some plugins that may slow down your website, according to Google visitors will leave your website if it will load more than 3 seconds, so try hard to make it loads faster as possible.

On optimizing you will need to focus on

Images resizing, Minifying CSS files, Caching, we will talk much about it later

Rank high on Search engines

This is very important in deriving visitors to your website organically,

Use targeted keywords, table of contents, best content,

This can be done with the help of some plugins in WordPress like Rank math, wp rocket, and others

Drive Traffics to your website

There are different ways you can drive traffics to your website, like on social media, such as on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest write the best caption and referral links that will direct visitors to your website